Contact the Care Manager:
Tel/ fax: 01834 813819
Templebar Road,
Kilgetty, Pentlepoir, Pembrokeshire,
SA68 0RA
When you move house it takes a little while to get used to your new home and surroundings. You will be given a warm welcome when you arrive at Caldey Grange Care Home. We will introduce you to all the other residents, giving you every assistance in moving in and help you to settle down among new friends.
You will find the staff and residents friendly and helpful and will enjoy the family atmosphere of Caldey Grange, a Home for living in, not just staying in.
Why we are here
We all grow older, and it can become more and more difficult to deal with all the problems of living at home, even with home help. Caldey Grange is the answer. We will care for you just as a caring relative would, and we are here 24 hours a day.
Some people need assistance with washing, bathing, dressing, visiting the toilet or taking medicines. Whatever your needs, we are here to lend a hand when you need us to.
Above all, Caldey Grange is a home. A home where your dignity, independence and individuality can flourish in a caring, helpful environment.
When you join us
If you like, we can make all the arrangements necessary for you to join us at Caldey Grange, or you can make the arrangements yourself. Just let us know.
All rooms are furnished to a high standard, but if you would like to bring any items with you, we have no objections.
Health care
When you live at Caldey Grange, you will be attended by the General Practitioner of your choice, and will receive all the services offered by the National Health Service. If your G.P. lives some distance from Caldey Grange, it may be advisable to change to a local G.P. either from Saundersfoot or Tenby. Have a chat with us and your G.P. about this.
If at any time you need to go into Hospital you will be admitted in the normal way.
Please bring with you any medicine or tablets which have been prescribed for you and let us know about them. If you wish, you may leave your medication with us and we will make sure that you receive it at the specified time.
Your Family and Friends
Visitors are very welcome at any reasonable time of the day; all we ask is that they try to avoid meal times. We usually lock the doors around 10pm.
Telephone calls
A cordless telephone is available on request. This is available for you to make telephone calls in the privacy of your own room, if you should so wish.
Short Trips and Holidays
Caldey Grange is your home so you can come and go as you please, but if you are going to be away for meals or stay overnight with friends or relatives, please let us know.
If you go away on holiday we will keep your room for you while you are away.
We cater for all types of special diets.
Meal times are as follows:
Breakfast 7.30 - 10.00am
Lunch 12.30 - 1.30pm
Supper 5.00 - 6.00pm
Morning coffee is served at 10.15am.
Afternoon tea at 3.00pm, which are always accompanied by home made cakes and pastries.
Tea, coffee and snacks are always available, the kettle is always on. There are also a variety of bed time drinks on offer. Meals, if requested, can be taken in your room.
Hairdressing & Chiropody
Hairdresser comes to the Home weekly. Chiropodist visits every other month or more if required.
Whilst living in Caldey Grange you will be able to attend a local Church or Chapel of your choice. Arrangements can be made for a Minister of your denomination to conduct religious services at Caldey Grange.
Many facilities are available at Caldey Grange. These include library books, radio, television and videos. Very often there is organized entertainment, for example sing songs, choirs. There is also a special activities coordinator that frequents the Home during the week arranging games, arts and crafts sessions and other popular activities that may be in demand.
Our Smoking rule
Caldey Grange is following the 'no smoking' guidelines as set down by the Welsh Assembly, therefore no smoking is allowed within the inside of the Home. However, if you do desire to smoke we have a designated smoking area at the back of the garden, which currently can be used with management permission.
We are here to help
Caldey Grange is your new home, and every member of our caring team will do their best to look after you. We have both male and female care assistants Our very capable care assistants have been trained to the highest standard; they are trained or being trained to level 2 of the new National Vocational Qualification or above, and receive specialized training courses in related aspects of Care and as needs may arise.
We try to keep a happy atmosphere among the residents and staff at Caldey Grange and we hope you will join in keeping it a happy Home.